miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

"Before The Silence" by Nessuno Myoo

Como veis en las fotos del dia 19 tomadas por Duna Gant, tuvimos una velada con una música en vivo maravillosa gracias a Ultraviolet Alter, un fantástico concierto, y esperamos disfrutar de algunos más, ¿Cual será el próximo Ahnue?

En este texto que os copio seguidamente, Nessuno Myoo   nos expresa todo lo que le trasmite la música, lo que le ha inspirado para hacer esta instalación desde la percepción de una persona que la vive y la crea como músico que es. 

"Da musicista, compositore e polistrumentista 
 D I L E T T A N T E, quale sono nella vita di tutti i giorni, 
 nella mia installazione ho cercato di mettere a nudo 
 quegli stati d'animo di cui sono facile bersaglio tutte le volte che suono. 
 Stati d'animo legati non solo all'incapacità di una scrittura musicale, 
 ma anche alla gioia del suono, del ritmo e della vibrazione pura. 
 Ad una tecnica che, quando non rappresenta l'espressione di una scelta libera, 
 e non la si padroneggia, mortifica profondamente la dimensione artistica. 
 Infine alla consapevolezza, malinconica, che ad ogni nota, 
 urlata con rabbia o sussurrata appena con dolcezza, una parte di me 
 - forse non la peggiore - se ne va per sempre..."

Before The Silence by Nessuno Myoo 

"As A M A T E U R musician, composer 
 and multi-instrumentalist, as I am in everyday of my life, 
 in this installation I tried of to bring out  
 the states of mind of which they are easy target every time that I play. 
 States of mind not only linked to my inability to write music, 
 but also to joy of good sound, of rhythm and the pure vibration. 
 To the technique that, when it is not a free choice, 
 and not controlling very well, mortifies in deep mode the artistic dimension. 
 In the end to the awareness, melancholic, that to each note, 
 shouted out angrily or sweetly just whispered, a part of me 
 - perhaps not the worst - go away forever..."

domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017


Hoy el primer concierto en ART IS RHYTM
a las 2:30 PM SLT
La instalación de Nessuno dentro de "Art is Rhytm" respresenta la música, que mejor espacio para empezar esta serie de conciertos.

Musica por Ultraviolet Alter

martes, 14 de marzo de 2017


Ya esta todo preparado en LEA13, toda la instalación lista para  mañana el dia de la inaguración.
Estos son los artistas y esta es la presentación hecha por Duna Gant.
Mañana nos vemos allí

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017


Graphic Art by Telchar

I am very excited that Duna Gant has invited me to present the LEA13: Art Is Rhythm concert series!

Art is Rhythm is a multi artist exhibition Linden Endowment for the Arts granted sim curated by Duna Gant, showing the work of Daniele Daco Costantin (Daco Monday), Kicca IgalyNessuno Myoo, Paola Mills and herself!

Duna will present the opening of the sim on Wednesday, March 15th at 2pm SLT to celebrate the work of all of the artists. There is no musician accompaniment at this event… there is so much to experience with all of the lovely artwork!

This event will be followed by a concert series presented by myself, celebrating the installations separately with musical and creative accompaniment, which will begin days after the opening! Many very talented people are coming together in cooperation and creative expression that is at the very heart of “Art is Rhythm.” Each event, from Dunas opening through the concert series will be unique.

The first event in the concert series comes on the Sunday after the opening, Sunday March 19th, celebrating the work “Before the Silence” by Nessuno Myoo. Ultraviolet Alter will perform live original music with the work, which promises to be a special experience.

There are two facebook event invitations for the Art is Rhythm sim for this coming week. One is for Duna’s opening celebration and one is for the first in the concert series. Join both invitations to hear about both events on the sim!

Stay tuned for the series and I look forward to seeing you at Dunas opening celebration on Wednesday!

domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017



Calentando motores!!
Proximamente se inagura el sim LEA13
El miercoles 15 de marzo a las 2 PM SLT