Kicca Igaly

Here for my personal Art Gallery:

Here for the photos of my works on Flickr:

Here for the photos of my works on Facebook:


In SL I started out as Kicca Igaly April 13, 2007. I went for the first time in Second Life for Beauty ... Coming from previous experience of painting in RL and loving the Exchange, I chose to spend my time looking for new forms of artistic expression. SL In fact, I found the tools I needed and after a fast course in learning to INDIRE, I began to experiment with sculpture, digital art or building, call it what you want and the adventure began. The forms of expression that I prefer, rely on manipulation of the " prim". Usually, my work starts at an artistic project that took shape in my mind before putting his hand to what I jokingly call "digital scalpel," and when the lines are clear of the project do a search to find the tools that I consider more suitable to achieve it. I participation on numerous exhibitions in SL, in museums and galleries in land and not Italian.  Among the different experiences, you certainly remember the contribution to BURNING LIFE 09, with a collaborative effort with Nessuno Myoo, named ArtEvolutionCube, housed in one of twelve sim available to the Art Department, headed by White Lebed.  Experience that was repeated in February 2010 with a Burniversity masterclass, for the project Afterburn.  In June 2010 we were selected together with over 300 artists from all over the world to participate actively for a large celebrations organized by Linden for the seventh birthday of SL.
In this event (SL7B) we displayed our work titled 'Serendipity'.
Event that with great joy was also repeated in 2011 (SL8B)
with a new installation entitled 'The Aleph'.  In January 27, 2011, Memorial Day on Nazi atrocities, for an invitation from Simba Schumann to the inauguration of its new Garden of Arte Libera,
ness, Kicca Igaly and Icarus Robbiani, have created in a unique art exhibition dedicated to this delicate theme, tled 'Not to forget', having a good consensus.
A demonstration of the fact that art is certainly one of the means
most effective in raising awareness to issues considered difficult to treat.
In 2012, an invitation to Bryn Oh has allowed me to participate in a project, which she curated and organized for the LEA (Linden Endowement of Art) called 'The Cube Project', along with 25 other international artists, a shocking event that has involved 20 sim lasting a week.
Another  absolutely amazing experience called 'Artists In Residence', still for the LEA, in 2013, sponsored by Linden Lab. Event in which I participated together with my friend and fellow artist Nessuno Myoo, with the project 'DangerInEvolution'  with which we, once again, have touched a particular theme: the fear of potential risks of experimentations and researches pushed excess. A commitment that has brought us, for the first time to manage an entire sim for the period of six months, enjoying a very good agreement.  
I think that I created ... a real new career in the metaverse, which never fails to give me great satisfaction even on a human level through fantastic people I have met.

I would like to bring two comments related to my work, which have been and continue to be a cause of emotion. One written by Lion Igaly to whom I owe thanks to the appreciation, encouragement and for giving me the opportunity of my first show, the beginning of my artistic adventure in SL. The other written by Mebius Alenquer , which hosted several of my works in her beautiful sim and I thank him for the great esteem that has shown me over time.

" Approaching the art of Kicca is often an exciting adventure , just because it is on emotion, on the communication of feelings, that his works are built . Kicca has , since the beginning , ignoring mere commercial factor , staking everything on empathic communication of his works. and they reflected the pathos that she has entered  there , making a mental summary of its production , I'd say that the love for what he does is evident and, in some cases, even overwhelming for the viewer. Remember for example, the work immersive Backlight where , literally , you are immersed in the poignant emotional memories of the figure against the light. Either the sweet lightness of some of his recent , such as The beating of wings . the author deals with important themes , Protection that opens like a searching look on the world of isolation absurdly protective, Indiffrence , a successful metaphor of indifference or as in life circle where life begins and life ends meet in a great hug."
Lion Igaly

"... never predictable, often surprising. the first time that I happened to see his gallery (and was one case), I was a long time fascinated and impressed by the forms of its digital sculpting ... everything was moving, no matter what you looked around me had warmth, color and shape changing. Kicca is an artist with a capital A, and, as often happens to artists, it is not always conscious and, as rarely happens to artists, maintains a humility of thought that makes it unique. The art in SL is a gift ... Kicca is making us this gift."
Mebius alenquer