Nessuno Myoo

My name is Nessuno Myoo and born to new life on 21 September 2007. Immediately I began to wander the land for more disparate trying to meet all my curiosity about what seemed to me then as a new and powerful means of emotional communication. Through the courses attended in Second Learning to INDIRE I have learned to manipulate my first prim. The meeting with the artist, gallery owner and friend Lion Igaly I was then introduced into the virtual world of art. Musician and the passion of the art on rl I found so enthusiastic to do the sculptor in the  metaverse. For my work I have decoded plain language and original that is expressed in the way of working the prim: the twist, stretch, empty and then refill my fun so ... The wood and metal are mainly the materials which I favor. Sometimes sanded and polished, and other corroded by strong contrasts. Different visions for different sensations. With my essential figurative try to express the beauty, energy, light, movement, poetry.

Let me add some more words that I'm proud,
written some time ago from a person who- above all-
have believed in my work. Thnks Lion :O)

".... the increased production of Nessuno is definitely focused on the human figure, already extensively studied, disassembled and reassembled in the previous experiences of diamonds produced in RL. But the sculpture requires special steps, which have channeled the aesthetic taste of this artist to new creative forms, while maintaining that dark mechanism behind his art: "can you spare that figure and uses those pieces to show it again." And the figure is only partially reassembled under mutations cubist or abstract, but I would say, cosmetics. Where the aesthetic figure had been buried here, returns with consistent logic to show a picture beautiful to see, though disassembled, incomplete, with more spaces full volumes and yet full of contents ... "  Lion Igaly

Here for my new art gallery:

Here for the photos of all my works on Flickr:

Here the store on  marketplace:

Here my gallery at the Destination Guide of SL:

Here for my blog:

as Nessuno Myoo I found too on:

- Facebook (  )
- YouTube  (  )
- Twitter   (!/nessunomyoo  )
- Pinterest   (  )

and some Socialnet born and dedicated to art,
to the virtual worlds in general and the thousands of activities being undertaken within...

From October 17 to 25 of the 2009 I have the honor and pleasure to exhibit at Burning Life,
where together with my colleague Kicca Igaly in one of twelve sim provided
by the Art Department treated by White Lebed We successfully presented
our work titled 'ArtEvolutionCube'.
In February of 2010, White invited us to a masterclass where we had the opportunity to resubmit the public the work of Burning and a part of our artistic output commented out chat. The result is a beautiful exposure ( over 3000 'prims' ) open until the end of month.

In June 2010 we were selected together with over 300 artists
from all over the world to participate actively
for a large celebrations organized by Linden for the seventh birthday of SL.
In this event (SL7B) we displayed our work titled 'Serendipity'.
Experience that with great joy  was also repeated in 2011 (SL8B)
with a new installation entitled 'The Aleph'.

In the July and August edition of the UWA 3D ART & DESIGN CHALLENGE 2010
curated from Jayjay Zifanwe and Quadrapop Lane two my works that i love,  
Mechanical Knight and The Unicorn, have winner a premium for the Best Don't SCript Works Category....
A great Thnks to all for the great opportunity of show my works :)

In January 27, 2011, Memorial Day on Nazi atrocities,
for an invitation from Simba Schumann to the inauguration
of its new Garden of Arte Libera,
ness, Kicca Igaly and Icarus Robbiani, have created
in a unique art exhibition dedicated to this delicate theme,
titled 'Not to forget', having a good consensus.
A demonstration of the fact that art is certainly one of the means
most effective in raising awareness to issues considered difficult to treat.

At the end of June 2012 I have particpated with Giovanna Cerise and Noke Yuitza
at Immersive Wor(l)ds, an event planned and willed by Imparafacile Runo ( Giovanni Dalla Bona)
in collaboration with the Accademy of Art of Brera in the coordination of Giampiero Moioli
that have compared the SL artistic reality and the Academy reality.
From the experience born a display of quality remained open to the public for all the summer.
A special thanks to Simba Schumann for the great ability to call together the artists.

In August 2012 I have participating together with Yooma Mayo, Daco Monday,
Nino Vichan and Angilika Crystal at the senond edition of Shivers Unleadshed Music Festival,
a great music festival, curated by sChen Resident and Mania Littlething,
that for over 3 days has seen him perform on stage more than 25 of the most famous
and significant musicians and performers of the metaverse near to an art exhibition.

Again in August of 2012 I was invited to participate at the project
wanted and curated by Bryn Oh and produced by the LEA called 'The Cube Project'
along with 25 other international artists ( Bryn Oh, Cajska Carlsson, Charlotte Bartlett,
Dancoyote Antonelli, Giovanna Cerise,  Haveit Neox, Kicca Igaly, L1Aura Loire, London Junkers,
Maya Paris, Misprint Thursday, Nessuno Myoo, Oberon Onmura, PatriciaAnne Daviau, Pol Jarvinen,
Rag Randt, Rowan Derryth, Sea Mizin, Secret Rage, Solkide Auer, Remington Aries, Solo Mornington,
Tony Resident, Werner Kurosawa and Xineohp Guisse ) that for a week gave birth
in 20 sims for availability of 300,000 prims in an absolutely extraordinary event
that you can see an example in this machinima by Haveit Neox at the link below:

In April 2014 I was invited together with artists of the highest quality such as
Bryn Oh, Rose Borchovski, Alpha Auer, Jo Ellsmere, Soror Nishi, Eupalinos Ugajin and Caer Balogh,
to participate in an great exhibition in crossover between RL-SL curated in real by
Peter Greenaway and Saskia Boddeke, for a tribute to the most famous artists
of the Russian avant garde the beginning of the last century,
named 'The Golden Age of Russian Avant Garde'
where I had the opportunity to contribute with my two installations called
'Tribute To Lyubov Popova' and 'Tribute To Alexander Rodchenko'.
All works have been exhibited in the metaverse through the use of
giant screens and multimedia stations located inside the Menage Museum of Moscow
until the month of August with success and curiosity from both realities.

Exposures set out-gallery  memories Portcervo, Alberobello, Saturnia,
Second Italy, Charmed castle, Artefatta, Salerno, Venice, Brooklyn,
Imperoweb, the intinerant expo 'Ecce Femina' of Lisa Tebaldi, the exposition in the scotland sim of missy Kayor,
the Contribution to live blues performances with artworks musical theme organized from Glasz Decuir, the collective in honor of the first year accomplished by BIW organized by Mab MacMoragh and MonCherrie Afterthought under the name of SLon des Refuses, the collective organized by Tani Thor and Aloisio Congrejo for the start up of Tanalois,
the collective 'Halleluja Azul Art Walk' curated by Gwendolyn Bieler,
the '44 HOURS OF CORNUCOPIA MOMENTUM' curated by  Eifachfilm Vacirca
and the partecipation at 6 editions (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) of  Raglan Shire Art Walk...

A particular distinction to the collective of artists co-ordinated
by Aloisio congrejo and Giovanna Delphin under the supervision of Stex Auer
in support of the project 'Creative Hub for the City of Milano'
where along with many friends I was invited to participate with some of my works.  
Same for the design of group Pirats coordinated by Merlina Rokocoko
and Newbab Zsigmond the general project Pirats called 'ArtKahos'
where together with 11 other internationals artists
for 4 weeks we worked on a joint project by 2000 prim ...

I would also like to thank all those people who have
hosted on a permanent basis some of my work on their sim,
Especially mode Junikiro Jun for PostUtopia, Aloisio Congrejo
for BeBop, a local jazz on Tanalois, Gabriel Eisenhart
for the UnitedKingdoms of Elebriel, Romane Jacobus & David DuCasse
for their splendid Pixel Arts Island, Alexandar Vargas for the Welsh Bay Gallery,
Danina Destiny and PonDman Haalan for the Angels Aerie sim, Mila Tatham
and Rodroguez Imako for their great little gem that everyone knows as SaliMar.
Thanks also to Adamo Grau, that in its sim 'AdOpera' hosted  my first solo exhibit
and as well as many of my most important sculptures that have been an
ideal showcase for 'quality event for'.  

Thanks again to Mila Tatham,
that in July 2010 have on display some of my finest works in an a exhibition
titled Dream Prim's in the wonderful sim of SaliMar,
fruit of passion for building shared with Rodroguez Imako.
At this exhibition has created a lovely set photo Icarus Robbiani
that honor the work of all of us.
This the links to the pictures:

Since the end of 2008 CrashINews ( ),
the most famous tg in sl of the Italian community, utilize my small Music gingle's
frame as a background sound and many of the services provided short.
Thanks to the team and especially to Papper Papp.