domingo, 2 de abril de 2017


Art is Rhythm at LEA13 (curated by Duna Gant) is very excited to present Kicca Igaly’s installation 
“Dance With Me” 
 Sunday, April 2 at 1:30 SLT. 
We are thrilled to celebrate the work with two very special talents: the DJ and dance troupe Famba Lilta (Keliana Tuqiri) and the live musician Nnoiz Papp!

To learn more about Famba Lilta, please read below:
“My name is Keliana, and I'm an elf in both SL and RL. No, seriously!
Based out of Toronto, Canada, I have been obsessed with sound for as long as I can remember. It probably has something to do with the giant ears. Truthfully though, I can't recall a time when I wasn't tinkering with an instrument, immersing myself in a track, or just listening and analyzing the soundscapes of life around me. This addiction eventually lead to being involved in a multitude of bands, learning several different instruments, and ultimately a college degree in audio production and sound design.
In regards to Second Life specifically, I have been DJing for about as long as I've existed, all the way back to early 2008. Though originally I focused more on various Rock genres, I eventually found myself diving in to the world of mixed electronic music, and that's where my focus has been ever since, as being able to craft non-stop, evolving layers of sound very much appealed to me. Outside of the music scene, I've also done sound effects work for various mesh makers, helping to bring their creations to life.
My most recent major project, Famba Lilta, came about from a desire to expand on the more familiar world of DJing to try to create a truly audio-visual experience within Second Life. It combines music, dance, light, and a little bit of magic, as part of a syncronized elven bellydance routine, set to a mixture of traditional and modern sounds, all with an electronic flair. I am pleased and flattered to have been invited to perform at the Art is Rhythm event at LEA13, and hope you all enjoy our show! Me and my dancers are also very much looking forward to staying on stage to dance for the amazing Nnoiz Papp!
If you'd like to listen to any of my other performance, you can find the majority of DJ sets on my Mixcloud:

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